Passage from The Drayton Saga -
Book 1, Herman Drayton
Eagan was the well-known planet for the center of the Orn species, its members recognized for their single large eye gracing their smooth face, a giants physique, and an insatiable math ability. Orn mathematics essentially rated above math prodigies such as old Earths Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton, or the Tazo Zunbruoski siblings who invented the first working model of instant teleportation. The Orn intellect didn’t allow an Orn to simple socialize, as most species would. They were much more focused on the numbers to the infinite power. The saying ‘talking to an Orn will cause binary bleeding’, was not far from the truth. Starting a conversation with an Orn would soon make you feel as if your ears were bleeding from the non-stop numeric input.
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Spirito the Canid Warrior
Salor Deshik and his son Spirito are on a journey to the Temple of Brumial for Spirito’s required age vision quest. After today, Spirito will no longer be eligible for his first reading. Salor is anxious to teach him everything a protector needs to know, as Spirito will be the next protector to be bonded to the Royal potentate. Salor is hesitant about taking risks and planning for the unknown, but his wife Yilta reminds him that they are only means of moving towards Spirito’s destiny. They reach a gate that mirrors the image of the countryside behind them, and Salor is unsure about the magical capability of pulling off such precision. Nonetheless, he pushes against the gate and it opens.
Available on Kindle Vella!
Sparrow's Legacy
Everything changes when Trine “Sparrow” Sworden is killed by magic. Tara and Teng, her children, are forced to flee the hunters. A growing prophecy of a Protector who will conquer magic to return true rule is revealed. And Flarentine’s evil usurper Endric “the Asp”, a dark mage, fights Sparrow’s faction of skilled Mir-e-se, the keepers of the royal line. When a stranger, speaking Flaren, asks them to return to reclaim Sparrows birthright, the siblings must decide to survive or seek revenge.
If you have read any of Sparrows Legacy I have a brief survey that would help me out tremendously.

About JL Nich Author
"Writing takes me places and by places I mean other worlds. Sometimes I don't want to come back."
Ongoing author of the upcoming Drayton Saga series and Moderator of the popular Facebook group Lesbian Speculative Fiction for over a decade JL Nich can be found on social media as a motivator, teacher, and apparently socialite as she expands her writing skills. Look for her on Twitter @lesbianspecfic and support her on Patreon.
Adding science and fiction makes so much sense, like preparing the world to survive the machine takeover. How does this not make sense?

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“Debbie? We understand that you have what we consider ‘gifts’ in the areas of hearing, mind functions such as projection and empathy, and some dreaming capabilities.
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Demia, drenched in sweat, her chest rose with the deep pull of oxygen she gulped back into her lungs. This time I’m not naked, her ruby lips curled at the stray thought.