JL NICH blog beats article, Wild Magic: Understanding the Enigmatic Powers of Nature in Fantasy. Blog Cover Image
JL NICH blog beats article, Wild Magic: Understanding the Enigmatic Powers of Nature in Fantasy. Blog Cover Image

Wild Magic:
Understanding the Enigmatic Powers of Nature in Fantasy

In this blog, we discuss the Natural Magic System, which is closely intertwined with the natural world and its elements.  This system often emphasizes harmony with nature and the environment, and magical abilities or powers are typically derived from natural sources such as plants, animals, the weather, the earth, and celestial bodies. Woah that can be a lot.  An example of such a fantasy novel would be The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan.  This is the first book in The Wheel of Time series. It starts the epic journey of Rand al’Thor and his friends as they navigate a world where the Dark One’s power is rising. The One Power, used by Aes Sedai, is divided into five elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, with many weaves (spells) involving these natural elements. Or you can look at The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne, where Atticus O’Sullivan, the last of the Druids, has lived for centuries due to his mastery of ancient Druidic magic. This druidic magic is based on a deep connection to the earth, allowing Atticus to draw power from the natural world, communicate with animals, and harness elemental forces.

Natural Magic Systems can fall under both soft magic and hard magic (rule-based), and also symbology within the author’s works, depending on how they want to build the system.

Soft magic style, the magic is often focused on the mystical and wondrous aspects. The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle has the magic inherent in the protagonist unicorn and the natural world is mysterious and not fully explained. The unicorn’s abilities are a natural part of her existence. In Stardust by Neil Gaiman, protagonist Tristan Thorn ventures into a magical realm to retrieve a fallen star for his beloved. The world beyond the Wall is filled with magic that operates on whimsical and fantastical principles. The magic involving stars, witches, and other creatures is not systematically explained, adding to the story’s fairy-tale atmosphere.


The Iron Druid Chronicles #1
by Kevin Hearne

Hard magic, or rule-based, is designed with clear rules and limitations, providing a structured and consistent framework for magical abilities within the story. In the novel Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson, hard magic is the only way. A young street urchin named Vin discovers she is a Mistborn, capable of ingesting and “burning” metals to gain magical abilities. Allomancy, Feruchemy, and Hemalurgy are the three systems of magic, each with precise rules. Allomancy, for instance, involves ingesting metals and “burning” them to gain specific powers, with each metal providing a different ability and having a clearly defined effect. Brandon outdid himself.

In some cases, natural magic systems incorporate elements of Symbology. For instance, in A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin, the true names of things serve as symbols that unlock their magical potential, requiring a deep understanding of the language of nature. Wizards gain power by learning and understanding the language of the Making, where each word or name has a profound significance and influence. In The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, there is a magical competition between two young illusionists, Celia and Marco, who are bound by a challenge set by their mentors. The circus itself is a symphony of symbolic magical acts. The competitors use intricate symbols and rituals to create and sustain their magical exhibits, and the nature of their magic is often tied to symbolic gestures and carefully crafted enchantments.

Authors often use Natural Magic systems to immerse the reader into the story through the setting by vividly describing natural settings—lush forests, towering mountains, flowing rivers—that are central to the magic system. By grounding the magic in real-world natural elements, they make the magical world more believable. And by having characters interact with nature in meaningful ways, such as drawing power from the earth, speaking to animals, or using plants for potions. This interaction reinforces the bond between magic and nature. This magic system also has heavy use of folklore and myths to add depth and layers of history and tradition. There is much detailing of rituals, ceremonies, and traditional practices linked to the magic system that can provide a sense of authenticity and cultural immersion. The author may also provide environmental messages such as highlighting the importance of nature and environmental stewardship to resonate with readers, especially in contemporary contexts. The Overstory by Richard Powers has stories of several individuals whose lives are deeply affected by trees and the natural world. The novel is a profound meditation on the relationship between humans and nature, emphasizing the importance of trees and the environment. Powers uses elements of natural magic and mystical connections to trees to underscore the need for conservation and the interdependence of all life forms on Earth. The characters’ deepening connections to trees reflect a broader call to protect and preserve the natural world.

In my free, serialized novel, located on my website. I am sharing the first draft chapters of a new novel Spirito, the Canid Warrior.  In one scene, Spirito, an energetic 9-year-old canid boy, is touring the famed Proev’l Academy. He is exploring around when he runs across a small center courtyard between some hallways.  There are beautiful flower trees, and a water fountain, and the area is open to sunlight.  The Doha instructor Aliq is meditating within.  In this scene, the natural magics of the courtyard arise from what Spirito sees and recalls with Doha Aliq, which will determine which of the 7 mystical ways of Strength, Spirit, Death, Fighting, Wisdom, Growth, or Peace, he will train into within the school. 

Here is a short sample.

“Are you lost, young pup?” A male’s voice asked nearby.

Spirito startled, turned and found the elder canid with yellow and red robes standing in the hall in the place where he intended to go.

He didn’t want to break any rules and Doha Sobie told him to only talk to the white-robed canids.  His ears flickered in confusion. 

“Speak. I don’t often see students in these halls.”

Spirito blinked. “I am…not lost, Doha, sir.  I did not mean to disturb you. I am only supposed to talk to the white-robed today.” He drew a deep breath to find his center.  He did not want to get into trouble by interrupting a class or a master’s study.

The canid continued to look at him as if he were scrutinizing Spirito in case he needed to report him. 

“I am on tour today for the academy, you see.  To become enrolled?” Spirito swallowed at his own words.  He was unsure if he should continue to talk.  He looked at the canid’s belt tie and found the mastery markings flowing down its length.  He couldn’t quite count them, but he rubbed his ear when he realized there were quite a few more than his Da had on his mastery belt.  And they were very different colors than the blue and black he knew.  The peculiar markings sewn into the surface were red, yellow, and orange.  His Da has two black and one blue, his sister has three of black.  He quickly decided this master was quite experienced in whatever he studied.

The Last Unicorn
by Peter S. Beagle

“What did you find interesting about the statue girl?” The Doha asked as he tilted his head.

Spirito looked back over his shoulder and could just see the top of the water statue. He remembered the flowers and said so.

“Which flowers did you like?” The Doha asked again, randomly.

Spirito looked at the flowers and shook his head. They are all beautiful, Doha.  But I mostly watched the bird.  He landed on the pink flower branches there. They held his weight.  And then he did a pretty twirl in the air before he left.”

“I am Doha Aliq. This is my courtyard of meditation.”

“My mother would love it, Doha.  She also has a meditation garden.  Although hers does not sing like yours.”

The Doha stared quietly for a moment until Spirito realized he had not greeted him back.

“I am Spirito Deshik, Doha Aliq.  I am a work-in-progress, my mother says.” Spirito closed his eyes and bowed and hoped his mom and Da would forgive his rude behavior.

The Doha gave a nod and a shrug that bade Spirito to continue walking beside him as they moved away from the courtyard.

“Of what song did you hear of the water?” he asked as they moved into another hall.

“I heard laughter, Doha.  It was fun.”

Doha nodded.  “Yes, the dance of the water is meant to sound lively. I am glad you enjoyed it.”

Spirito walked alongside the Doha and felt his ears flicker with curiosity.  

“Ask what you may, Mr. Deshik.” Doha Aliq said.

Spirito felt the hair on his neck fluffing as he rubbed his ear.  “I was just wondering, Doha, sir.  What is your mastery?”

Doha Aliq stopped walking and turned to Spirito. He lifted his belt and let the boy examine the markings. “This is the mastery third level of Sune, of peace.” His claw pointed to the yellow symbol with three parallel vertical lines crossing over an S on its side. “This is a second-level mastery of Cen, the spirit within.”  The small triangle of orange had a second triangle overlapping slightly to the left. 

Eyes wide Spirito said ‘Oh.’ He shifted his gaze to the final symbol of red. It was a small circle with a horizontal line running through its middle.

“That,” Doha Aqil pointed at the mark, “is the third mastery of Eyas, for death lives in all things.”

Spirito swallowed at the canid’s statement. He looked up at Doha Aliq’s face and found a strange wisdom behind those eyes.  It must have taken many years to learn so much.  He could only nod. 

Please read and review my serial publishing novel, Sparrow’s Legacy, on Kindle Vella. You can read the first three chapters free on Amazon by searching for “Sparrows Legacy Kindle Vella” or clicking here. Or you can find my debut SFF novel, the space opera Drayton’s Discoveries. For the love of all fantasy and SFF, please leave a review. Feedback is my sole sustenance for writing. Don’t let me starve. If you liked this blog, please be sure to sign up for future blogs on my site.

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JL Nich, Science Fiction Fantasy Author

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