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The Elemental Nexus:
Delving Deep into Elemental Magic Systems

Welcome to my detailed discussion of writing fantasy using an Elemental Magic System, where the very forces of nature bend to those who wield their power.  

Initially, I found magic systems usually fall under three grand levels:

Rule Based (Hard Magic) – a magic system that follows specific rules, laws, or principles that govern its use and behavior. Think of novels like The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. 

Soft Magic – a magic system that lacks clearly defined rules or limitations governing the use of magic. Think of novels like The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien or The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern or The Awakening: The Dragon Heart Legacy, Book 1 by Nora Roberts.

Symbolic – a magic system based on symbolic gestures, objects, or rituals that represent larger concepts or ideas. Think of novels like The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon or The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow.

Read more about the different types of magic systems here.

Elemental magic is easily seen in rule-based magic as it operates within a clearly defined set of rules and limitations. For example, characters may have specific abilities tied to particular elements, and the use of magic may require specific gestures, incantations, or materials. Think of novels like The Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson where magic is based on the ingestion and “burning” of various metals, each of which grants the user specific powers related to one of the classical elements. The rules are meticulously established by the author. Each metal must be ingested in precise quantities, and users must have the necessary concentration and skill to effectively utilize their abilities. Additionally, there are limitations and consequences associated with the use of magic, such as the risk of metal poisoning or exhaustion from prolonged exertion.

Elemental magic also falls under symbolic or thematic magic, serving as metaphors for broader themes or concepts within stories. It may represent aspects of nature, human emotions, or spiritual forces, and its use may be more fluid and interpretive, reflecting the characters’ inner struggles or the larger conflicts of the narrative. Throughout the series The Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K. Le Guin, magic serves symbolically as a powerful metaphor for the interconnectedness of all things and the balance between humanity and nature.  For example, the protagonist, Ged, must confront the shadow he inadvertently creates through his fear and pride. This shadow, which threatens to consume him, can be seen as a symbolic manifestation of the darker aspects of his own nature.

A Wizard of Earthsea
by Ursula K. Le Guin

There are many varieties of elemental magic, using this system as a tool to enrich the storytelling experience and Invite readers to explore the limitless possibilities of the imagination.  With a whispered incantation and a gesture of hands, casters call out.  And the essence of earth and foliage weave a protective cloak of swirling leaves and vines, like an impenetrable barrier.  Or, a blast of frigid energy erupts from their fingertips, engulfing their foes in a swirling tempest of icy shards. Or, the caster unleashes a torrent of blazing heat that engulfs their enemies in a raging conflagration. Yes, elemental magic is intense and quite exotic. From the crackling energy of lightning to the gentle caress of water, each element holds its own unique mysteries and potential for awe-inspiring feats. How does the author utilize the origins, mechanics, and applications of elemental magic to immerse the reader and unravel the magic secrets one enchantment at a time?

The details the author uses describing how magic interacts with the environment, from crackling lightning storms to tranquil rivers flowing with enchanted water, transports readers into a richly imagined world where the elements themselves come alive. In Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Rise of Kyoshi by F.C. Yee vivid descriptions of the elemental bending techniques, from the graceful movements of waterbending to the explosive power of firebending, bring the world of Avatar to life in thrilling detail, immersing the reader in a world of adventure, mystery, and elemental mastery.

The sensory experience is an additional tool the elemental magic brings to the readers’ immersion. The scent of ozone after a lightning strike, the feel of icy winds in a frost spell, or the taste of salt in the air during a water-based enchantment all serve to immerse readers more fully in the magical atmosphere. Jemisin’s novel, The Fifth Season, features a unique form of magic called orogeny. Orogenes have the ability to manipulate seismic energy and control the movements of the earth. Using evocative prose Jemisin vividly captures the sensations of orogeny, from the rumbling tremors beneath the earth to the intense concentration required to harness such power.

Characters who wield elemental magic often have unique relationships with their powers. Writers can explore how magic shapes their identities, motivations, and personal journeys. From mastering their abilities to confronting ethical dilemmas, these character arcs deepen reader engagement and investment in the story. In The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang, the character Rin, who has an extraordinary affinity for fire-based shamanic magic, hones her abilities and delves deeper into the mysteries of elemental magic.  This allows readers to witness her growth and transformation in the crucible of war and conflict.

In my upcoming novel Trena, the Memory Reader, elemental magic is used by the Weather Mage Machar to help calm the storm.

“Granda the storm. I have a boon owed from Neejo, the sea King. I can ask him to grant us safe passage.”

Machar turned to face her his eyes wide. 

“Why are you telling me this? What good am I? My power is weak and if what you say is true the sea King will grant the boon to you, not this ship, not these passengers. Wording is tricky when it comes to the demi-gods.”

“He told me he wasn’t a god. Well, we don’t have time. You can tell me all about it on the way. I would never leave the ship without all the passengers. I need your help.”

Machar eyed her and a finger rose to rub against his nose. “Here that Girdy. She’s a pushy one.”

The bird cawed and gulped a Pimtoe then turned and rushed back to her crate. 

Machar flicked his fingers and the crate snapped shut, the bird nesting down to the site in the hay-filled bottom. 

“I’ve asked the wind-singer to call him for me. I believe she is his distant kin. But…” Trena licked her lips.

“But that woman is a bit scary. Yes, I’m aware. She has a bit of sea power in her. She can toss you one way or another depending on the winds. I may not like her, but I’d not cross her either.” The mage stated bluntly.

“Yes. Exactly.” Trena nodded. “So, I’d like you to help me. You can feel the weather. Perhaps you can read her gift? If the storm lessons by any degree, you’ll know he granted my request. Otherwise, we might as well enjoy a nice swim.”

Avatar: The Last Airbender –
The Rise of Kyoshi
by F.C. Yee

Granda Machar pushed his fingers into the crate stroked his bird and eyed Trena side-ways. “What makes you think I’d be worth a plug nickel? I mean my skills lately have been chance if nothing else. Even you recognized my shift at the docks. I mean…I could get it wrong. And we become fish food anyway. I might say we are safe and still we get eaten by a Tourquess or a Jibby-glob at the deeper levels of the bottom muck. I’m not infallible. Maybe you’d be just as lucky with bartering the wind-witch.”

Trena looked at the man and shook her head. “A weather mage, whatever that entails, is always a weather mage, Granda. Just like I’ll always be a Star Village girl and that bird will always be a bird, not a monster. Nobody can take that piece of you inside that makes you…you.”

The mage turned away for a moment and then pointed to the glowing staff, which instantly grew brighter, its length held visible symbols that began to dance. “On those words, I agree, young lady. So, we shall see how this weather mage handles himself.” He un-hunched his shoulders and stood tall. A hat was whipped out and shoved onto his head. Strange symbols were written in small black print over the black band that encircled it.

 He turned to her and looked every inch a full and impressive mage from his long pointed white beard and bushy eyebrows to the dangling necklace chain that held a moon symbol over his chest. He pointed to the staff, and it flew into his grasp. 

“Give us some time, Girdy. I’ll be back and hopefully, this demi-not-a-god water king will dissipate the dangers. If not perhaps this wind-witch and I can get the boat to safer waters.”

A purring chirp was heard behind them as he pointed Trena to lead the way. 

Trena, eyes wide, found herself physically turned around and pushed forward.

On deck, Machar pointed to a coiled and tied rope to uncoil and slither to them. He tied it around his waist and made her do the same. She pointed to the leeward side and they scuttled against the water’s pitch and held to the ship’s rails to get to the alcove.  

Be on the lookout, late 2024, for the release, to read more about Trena and her powerful elemental magic mages.  Please read and review my serial publishing novel, Sparrow’s Legacy, on Kindle Vella. You can read the first three chapters free on Amazon by searching for “Sparrows Legacy Kindle Vella” or clicking here. Or you can find my debut SFF novel, the space opera Drayton’s Discoveries. For the love of all fantasy and SFF, please leave a review. Feedback is my sole sustenance for writing. Don’t let me starve. If you liked this blog, please be sure to sign up for future blogs.

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JL Nich, Science Fiction Fantasy Author

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