JLNICH blog beats article, Success in Your Pajamas: Because Pants Are Overrated During NaNoWriMo. Cover image for blog
JLNICH blog beats article, Success in Your Pajamas: Because Pants Are Overrated During NaNoWriMo. Cover image for blog

Success in Your Pajamas:
Because Pants Are Overrated During NaNoWriMo

Is it PrepTober yet?  For those who are participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), this is the prepping month of October.  Are you expecting victory with completing your NaNoWriMo goals?  Did you remember your health?

“One of the biggest factors of success is the ability to undertake something” –James A. Worsham.  

Ah, October—the month of transformation into a full-blown strategist! It’s when you unleash your inner genius at duck-herding, meticulously plotting, planning, and corralling methods to make sure those feathered quackers align perfectly in a row.   So, grab your quack-tical gear and prepare for some serious strategical quacktion!  The plot, the schedule, the food prep, the buddy system, the motivation, and much more need to be pinned down.  Don’t forget the top priority, your health.  Yes, staying healthy during NaNoWriMo is essential to ensure a successful and fulfilling writing experience. Of course, physical health and mental health are important.  But this blog is going to discuss the most vital of all, social and emotional well-being.

Connection with others, social life balance, and time management are the key.  Incorporating these three elements into your writing routine is as important as finding a unicorn that does your laundry, maintaining a social life that doesn’t revolve around fictional characters, and mastering time management skills that are more elusive than a ninja squirrel. So, saddle up your imaginary unicorn, bid farewell to your make-believe friends, and attempt the time-warping juggle to conquer it all!

Set Boundaries and Prioritize

JLNICH blog beats article, Success in Your Pajamas: Because Pants Are Overrated During NaNoWriMo. Image for setting boundaries

Alright, folks, let’s talk about connecting with others during NaNoWriMo – because trust me, you’re going to need some sanity breaks! And by “connecting,” I don’t mean forming an exclusive club for sleep-deprived writers with a secret handshake (although that does sound tempting). No, I’m talking about reaching out to your NaNoWriMo buddies, checking in with your family (they still remember what you look like, right?), and sharing war stories with fellow writers brave enough to tackle this literary marathon. In the wild world of the writing community, both online and offline, you get to spill the ink on your challenges and celebrate your successes. Plus, it’s like a never-ending stand-up comedy show as we all navigate the chaos of word counts and plot twists. Who needs Netflix when you’ve got this rollercoaster ride of a writing challenge, complete with a community that’s as hysterical as the characters in your novel?

Balanced Social Life: Think of it as the delicate art of not turning into a hermit crab during NaNoWriMo. Sure, your writing desk is your fortress of creativity, but don’t forget to venture out and interact with real, non-fictional beings. Avoid the hermit life—unless, of course, you’re writing a novel about hermit crabs, in which case, you might be onto something big!  Three methods for this are:

  1. Set boundaries and prioritize: Establish clear boundaries for your writing time and stick to them. Determine specific hours or days when you’ll be immersed in your writing projects. This clarity will help you communicate your availability to friends and family. Prioritize your social commitments and ensure they align with your overall goals and well-being. 
  2. Schedule Social Activities: Just as you schedule writing sessions, schedule social activities. Block out time for social events, gatherings, or outings with loved ones. Treat these commitments as non-negotiable, just as you would with your writing deadlines. By proactively planning social engagements, you’re less likely to feel guilty or stressed about taking time away from your work.
  3. Combine Writing and Social Time: Look for opportunities to combine writing and social activities. For example, consider joining a local writing group or attending writing-related events or workshops. This allows you to nurture your social life while still engaging with your passion for writing. Additionally, spending time with like-minded individuals can be both socially and creatively fulfilling.  Be my buddy @jlnickymaster  I’m one of the two Municipal Liaison for the Central California Region
JLNICH blog beats article, Success in Your Pajamas: Because Pants Are Overrated During NaNoWriMo. Image for time management

Time Management

Time Management: Because in the grand scheme of life, there are more critical things than staring at a blank screen for hours on end. So, organize your writing escapades like a maestro, leaving enough time to cuddle with loved ones, and tackle those mundane adulting responsibilities that make us all wonder why we didn’t become professional pillow fluffers instead.  Try the Eisenhower Matrix which categorizes tasks into four quadrants based on urgency and importance.  Develop a daily or weekly schedule that outlines your writing tasks.  Utilize digital or physical tools like calendar apps, to-do lists, and project management software.   I’m a huge advocate for my watch alarm to remind me to stand and do a few squats every hour, drink some water, and do some breathing exercises.

In the tumultuous journey of NaNoWriMo, where word counts soar and creativity flows like a raging river, it’s easy to lose sight of the treasures that truly matter. 

“In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer” –Albert Camus 

Let’s not forget that our greatest assets are the connections we’ve forged with fellow writers, the resilience we’ve discovered within ourselves, and the balance we’ve maintained between our passion for writing and the world beyond the keyboard. In the grand novel of life, these are the chapters that give depth and meaning to our stories as writers. So, when we close the book on another NaNoWriMo, let’s carry forward the lessons of nurturing our well-being, knowing that they are the true magic ink that colors the pages of our literary endeavors.

If you enjoyed this blog, check out my other blogs for NaNoWriMo posted on my website JLNichauthor.com under the Blog Beats tab and Writers Craft area.  Don’t forget to sign up with my social media to get notified of future blogs.  The next few are definitely NaNoWriMo related.

I also want to give a quick shout-out to PLOTTR software which is very intuitive.  My new favorite writing aid. This plotting software will fulfill your plotting dreams.  Use any of my affiliate links below and I might get a small commission. Thanks. 




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