JLNICH blog beats article, Storyteller's Sanctuary: Self-Care Strategies for Writers During NaNoWriMo. Cover image of woman writing in a book with a cup of tea
JLNICH blog beats article, Storyteller's Sanctuary: Self-Care Strategies for Writers During NaNoWriMo. Cover image of woman writing in a book with a cup of tea

Storyteller's Sanctuary:
Self-Care Strategies for Writers During NaNoWriMo

For those who are participating in Nanowrimo, this is the prepping month of October.  PREPARE TO WRITE YOUR NOVEL!  It is zooming our way.  In just a blink, you’ll be whisked away to whatever story you plan to write by actually putting your butt in a chair and words on screen/paper.  But don’t forget about you.  Preptober needs to be used to strategize.  Yes, your story, those beats, that chapter breakdown, and you.  Let’s strategize your self-care.  

In that writer space, the world where self-compassion is the lush garden, inspiration is the air we breathe, and self-care is the guardian gnome protecting your creative treasures.  A really tacky quote by Edward Stanley puts this in perspective “Those who have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find the time for illness.’’  

So here is a list of different self-care methods that you can put in your Writer toolbox.  If you can’t do them all, do at least three.  Put the choices into your writing routine.  It’s not rocket science but to paraphrase Joan Welsh health can be judged by what a person takes two at a time — pills or stairs.

  1. Cosmic Quest: Embark on a journey of self-discovery, armed with a telescope to explore self-care practices that bring positivity and balance to your life. Mindfulness Meditation, Regular Exercise Routine, or Creative Expression such as singing out loud or poetry or painting or playing a musical instrument. 
  2. Wizard’s Spellbook: Dive into a personal well-being journal where you discover rituals and practices tailored to boost your mental and emotional health.  Keep a journal by your bedside to record your dreams. Reflect on their themes and emotions to uncover self-care insights that resonate with your subconscious.
  3. DIY Adventure Map: Create a roadmap to your self-care sanctuary. Along the way, you’ll encounter challenges that help you connect with your creative side and find balance in life.  A short example might be… 
      1.  Self-Reflection and Assessment, decide what areas of well-being you’d like to focus on.
      2. Set Clear Goals if you identify relaxation make sure to put a goal for that area into your plan.
      3. Explore Self-Care Options you are a writer do your research.
      4. Create a Self-Care Plan that includes specific activities, their frequency, and when you’ll engage in them.
      5. Implement and Adjust to changes based on experiences.

Adventure Map

JLNICH blog beats article, Storyteller's Sanctuary: Self-Care Strategies for Writers During NaNoWriMo. image for adventure map, create a self-care plan
  1. Mad Scientist’s Lab: Imagine yourself as a scientist in your own laboratory of well-being. Experiment with different methods like laughter, mindfulness, and daydreaming to uncover surprising self-care benefits.
  2. Self-Care Buffet: Visualize a banquet of self-care options. Choose activities that resonate with your preferences, from relaxing bubble baths to energizing dance sessions, and create a personalized well-being routine.
  3. Dream Diary Exploration: Keep a dream diary by your bedside, jotting down the eccentric dreams and adventures that unfold during your slumber. These nocturnal escapades might unveil unique insights into self-care practices that resonate with your subconscious.
  4. Playlist Poetry: Create a whimsical playlist of songs that transport you to your happy place or evoke strong emotions. As you listen, pay attention to how different tunes make you feel and incorporate music therapy into your self-care routine.  Curate a playlist of songs that evoke specific emotions or transport you to a happier place. Incorporate music into your self-care routine, using it to relax or uplift your mood.  Lately, I’ve added 3 new songs to my list, and they kick butt for making me upbeat.  
  5. Nature’s Palette: Explore the great outdoors with a quirky twist by becoming a nature artist. Use twigs as paintbrushes, leaves as canvases, and stones as your palette. The act of creating art in nature can be both calming and rejuvenating.
  6. Mini Retreats: Transform your daily routine into a series of mini-retreats. Dedicate specific times or spaces to indulge in short, quirky activities like tea ceremonies, five-minute dance parties, or impromptu puppet shows to recharge your spirits.
  7. Wacky Workspaces: Personalize your workspace with unconventional decor or motivational posters that make you smile. Surrounding yourself with quirky elements can boost your mood and create a fun, self-care-friendly environment for productivity.
  8. Energize-O-Meter Adventures: Explore your ideal self-care moments by monitoring your energy levels throughout the day.  Use an APP or journal, to track when you are more productive vs in a slump.
  9. Emotion Explorer’s Log: Document your moods and emotions in a journal to better understand your well-being.  Or maybe grab one of those task trackers for mood.  I have one on my Fabulous App.
  10. Feedback Fortune Teller: Gain insights into your well-being from friends and family through their observations and feedback. Seek feedback from trusted friends or family members. They may have insights into your well-being and habits that you haven’t noticed. Ask them what activities they believe make you happier and more balanced.
  11. The Whimsical Wonderland of Exploration: Experiment with new self-care practices each week to discover what works best for you.  Set aside time each week to try new self-care practices. Whether it’s trying a new hobby, exercise routine, or relaxation technique, this experimentation can reveal what resonates with you the most.
  12. The Self-Care Spectacular with a Professional Twist: Seek guidance from a well-being coach or therapist to create personalized self-care strategies. Online consultants are everywhere these days.  These professionals can help you explore your unique needs and preferences, offering personalized self-care strategies based on their expertise and assessments.
JLNICH blog beats article, Storyteller's Sanctuary: Self-Care Strategies for Writers During NaNoWriMo. Image for Dream Diary. Lady asleep with note book covering face

Dream Diary

Well-being isn’t merely a luxurious indulgence; it’s the secret ingredient that supercharges our productivity and paints the canvas of our existence with vibrant hues of fulfillment. By nurturing our physical, mental, and emotional health, we not only unlock our full creative potential but also elevate our overall quality of life. So, as you embark on your journey of self-discovery and well-being, remember that each self-care practice, every moment of mindful presence, and every act of self-compassion is a brushstroke that contributes to the masterpiece of your productivity and well-being. It’s not a trade-off; it’s a symbiotic dance where both flourish in harmony. Let me restate that.  Practicing self-care is not wasting time from the writing process, it is the energy of a warm hug from a loved one, the caffeine boost from a Vente Starbucks, and the dark chocolate almond kisses you eat to sharpen your mind and increase your writing.  To prioritize your well-being, you’re not just investing in a brighter today but also crafting a more radiant tomorrow, one where your creative endeavors and your life as a whole are enriched beyond measure.  I promise some of these methods have worked for me once I worked it into my writing life.

If you enjoyed this blog, join me on social media to catch the other flourishing articles dedicated toward the great November NaNoWriMo extravaganza.  I’m one of the MLs for the Central California region @jlnickymaster.  Be my buddy.  I intend to write the crud out of that month.

I also want to give a quick shout-out to PLOTTR software which is very intuitive.  My new favorite writing aid. This plotting software is da bomb.  Use any of my affiliate links below and I might get a small commission. Thanks. 




Check out my Youtube channel for PLOTTR videos @jlnichauthorsff 

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