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Rising Against the Regime:
Dystopian Novels of Rebellion

In a dystopian novel with the world in chaos, heroes rise against oppressive rulers and ordinary people become rebels with a cause. From George Orwell’s 1984 to Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games, these stories are filled with characters fighting back against unfair systems, standing up for what’s right, and daring to dream of a better tomorrow. In fact, we see many movies these days with the theme of rebellion taking place (e.g., Dune, Snow Piercer, The Matrix, Elysium, Divergent, and of course The Hunger Games), In these dystopian novel realms, the theme of rebellion shines bright, showing the reader the power of courage in the face of injustice. But how do acts of defiance ignite? And what is the outcome of such a story? In this blog, we explore three examples to see how the dystopian world can be impacted by a rebellion, either a single individual or a group, and how that outcome may affect a galaxy or all-time moving forward.

Back in the 70’s there was a little movie released called Star Wars, directed by George Lucas. And just like in other dystopian rebellion stories, this movie portrayed characters who exhibit resilience, determination, and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. Of course, the villains were fantastic too <deep breathing effect here>. It was a story about rebellion from an oppressive regime, fighting for freedom, and the power of giving hope. All this was done in a futuristic space opera landscape, not quite dystopian, but close if you remember the Millennium Falcon. Side note: The vastness of this landscape is probably why I chose to write my first novel as a space opera and build a new galactic niche of my own in my debut SFF novel Drayton’s Discoveries. Back to Star Wars. There is a Rebel Alliance fighting against the tyrannical Galactic Empire. Oppression is rooted deep in the galaxy and the rebels engage in daring missions, battles, and acts of sabotage to undermine the Empire’s control. We are soon pulled in and meet fantastic characters like Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Darth Vader, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. The heroes have hero tales. Luke Skywalker starts as a humble farm boy and rises to become powerful Jedi Knights. Again, while Star Wars may not fit the traditional definition of a dystopian setting, the novels of the universe offer readers immersive stories of characters rising up against tyranny and fighting for a better galaxy. Overall, the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire fundamentally changed the galaxy, paving the way for a new era of democracy, freedom, and cooperation. It brought about the end of a tyrannical regime, inspired hope in the galaxy’s inhabitants, and set the stage for the challenges and adventures that would follow.

by George Orwell

The Maze Runner, a novel by James Dashner, was published in 2009 and is set in a post-apocalyptic world, where a group of young boys find themselves trapped in a mysterious maze called the Glade. They have no memory of their past lives and are trying to find a way out of the maze while dealing with dangerous creatures called Grievers. A mysterious and oppressive organization known as WICKED is behind the main protagonist’s arrival at the Glade. The story explores themes of survival, friendship, memory, and the consequences of scientific experimentation gone awry, but rebellion is a central theme. Through the characters’ actions, motivations, and the challenges they face they begin to resist the containment of being controlled by the maze, the Grievers, and WICKED. The acts of rebellion drive the plot forward and showcase the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity. From the moment Thomas arrives in the Glade, he is curious and questions the rules and authority figures. He challenges the established order, particularly the leadership of Alby and Newt, by suggesting new ideas and strategies to solve the maze. He refuses to accept ignorance and actively pushes for exploration and discovery, despite warnings from others. Thomas forms close friendships with characters like Minho and Chuck, and together they rebel against the obstacles they face. Their unity and cooperation are acts of rebellion against the divide-and-conquer tactics of the maze. As the novel progresses, it is revealed that the Gladers are part of an experiment conducted by the organization WICKED (World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department). The eventual escape provides some answers as to why the Gladers were encapsulated within the Maze. As the Gladers learn more about the Flare virus and the purpose of the maze, they also discover that they may hold the key to finding a cure in a new dystopian world. This knowledge gives them hope that their suffering and sacrifices might lead to a better future for others.

Drayton’s Discoveries by JL Nich is considered a space opera novel with colonization as part of the plot. The story takes place in space and on a dystopian planet. Herman Drayton is the primary protagonist, a science officer aboard the Icarus when he discovers a new unknown element on a planet called Atax. His captain is not interested in pursuing unknown minerals. He only wants to score gems or find known ore beds. As the story progresses, Herman rebels against the captain and forms a small coup as he, along with two others, dissolves their contract while planet-side, leaving the Icarus crew. They are forced to fight off the oppression of the vengeful captain and then take up residence on Atax to determine more about the materials. Herman yanks all of his strings and invites quite a few of his friends to come to help him build a small city within the planet’s dry underground waterways. The rebellion grows as they have to fight off Icarus’s return more than once. Herman and his science team soon discovered the material of the planet is a new energy source 10x more powerful than what is available on the market today.

Snow Piercer
The Escape
by Jacques Lob

As he puts the word out to others, the Icarus captain hires thugs to steal the samples, and eventually, a rogue space armada is convinced to attack the planet to take over control. But the newly installed Herman and friends were not sitting still while they built their city. They’d prepared for a possible invasion, planet-side and in space. They only need to defend their home until Mars agrees to route a man-made wormhole to the planet for mass production and distribution of the new energy tubes being produced. But everyone is fighting for the control of a single planet’s resources. The novel portrays one group of diverse species struggling to defend the planet against various other species. Throughout the story, individual characters like Herman, Jor, and Marston attempt to resist the invasion of Captain Brugg and his armies in various ways. They send robot killers to take out landing parties, they sabotage one of the ships, and they send relatives to Mars to bribe the International Space Center to route the wormhole to Atax. And still more continue to search for ways to fight back. These acts of resistance can be viewed as rebellious against the seemingly superior attacking force. The efforts to develop new weapons and strategies against the invaders can be seen as a form of rebellion through Alteric and Human ingenuity. This novel has a cultural impact as the theme of rebellion may be more pronounced, with different species of characters and groups that were established rebelling against the invasion threat in more overt ways.

In conclusion, we can understand that Dystopian novels stand out as powerful explorations of rebellion against oppressive forces in many ways. These stories resonate with readers as they witness characters fighting against injustice, seeking freedom, and daring to challenge the status quo. Whether it’s Thomas and the Gladers in “The Maze Runner” defying the maze’s mysteries or Herman Drayton’s friends and family struggling against a species that holds greed more valuable than life. They remind us that even in the darkest of times, there is hope and the potential for change. These novels inspire us through the courage of characters who rebel against tyranny, showing us that even in the most oppressive societies, the spark of rebellion can ignite a revolution.

Or you can find my debut SFF novel, the space opera Drayton’s Discoveries on Amazon Kindle Unlimited.  Or, read and review my serial publishing novel, Sparrow’s Legacy, on Kindle Vella. You can read the first three chapters free on Amazon by searching for “Sparrows Legacy Kindle Vella” or clicking here. For the love of all fantasy and SFF, please leave a review. Feedback is my sole sustenance for writing. Don’t let me starve. If you liked this blog, please be sure to sign up for future blogs on my site jlnichauthor.com.

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JL Nich, Science Fiction Fantasy Author

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