JL NICH blog beats article, In the Company of Growth: Friendships as Catalysts in Narrative Arcs. Blog cover image of two sci-fi-women
JL NICH blog beats article, In the Company of Growth: Friendships as Catalysts in Narrative Arcs. Blog cover image of two sci-fi-women

In the Company of Growth:
Friendships as Catalysts in Narrative Arcs

As a writer, how you develop character relationships can impact the growth level of the Main Character (MC) in various ways.  This area of study is a rich and multifaceted topic that can be approached from many angles. Human experience in friendships emerges as powerful tools that authors use in the narrative of individual growth. The protagonist, the central figure in any story, is not an isolated entity but exists within a score of relationships, new or old, that can profoundly influence their journey. In this blog, we look at just one group of influencers and the three different ways their nuanced realms can affect character dynamics.  By focusing on interactions with friends in a budding relationship, a betrayal, and the loss of a friend we examine how these characters serve as catalysts for the protagonist’s evolution. From the forging of new connections to the trials of navigating betrayal or loss, the impact of these relationships on the main character’s identity and personal development is a narrative terrain ripe for examination. 

Friendships and Personal Development.

  Different types of friendships (supportive, challenging, toxic) influence the MC with defining reactions. I’ve provided examples of situations and novels, both SFF and fiction, that provided these exact scenarios with three reactive areas to shape individual growth:

  1. Example: The main character (MC) is introduced to a new group of people or an individual who becomes a potential friend.  The MC might initially be reserved or hesitant, but as they get to know the new friend(s) and discover shared interests or values, they open up emotionally. The character might find comfort, support, and a sense of belonging in these new friendships. This can lead to personal growth as the MC learns to trust and rely on others.
    • Dune by Frank Herbert: In this classic science fiction novel, the intricate relationships among characters in the vast and complex universe of Arrakis play a crucial role. The protagonist, Paul Atreides, navigates political intrigue, alliances, and personal connections that significantly impact his growth and destiny. The novel explores themes of power, loyalty, and the consequences of personal choices within a grand, interstellar setting.
    • The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky: This coming-of-age novel follows the experiences of Charlie as he enters high school and forms deep connections with his new friends. The story explores themes of friendship, trust, and the impact of shared experiences on personal growth.
  2. Example: A close friend betrays the MC, causing conflict and tension in the relationship. The MC might experience a range of emotions, including hurt, anger, and disappointment. The character may confront the friend, leading to a confrontation or a period of distance. The reaction can also involve self-reflection, as the MC evaluates the importance of forgiveness, understanding, or the need to set boundaries in friendships. This experience can be a catalyst for the character’s emotional growth and maturity.
    • Red Sister by Mark Lawrence: Set in a fantasy world, “Red Sister” follows Nona Grey, a young girl with mysterious powers, as she is taken in by the Convent of Sweet Mercy to be trained as an assassin. The novel explores themes of betrayal, both within the walls of the convent and in the broader political landscape. Nona’s journey is marked by alliances, deceptions, and the consequences of trust in a world filled with magic and intrigue.
    • The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini: This novel revolves around the complex friendship between Amir and Hassan against the backdrop of Afghanistan’s tumultuous history. The narrative delves into themes of loyalty, betrayal, and redemption, showcasing how relationships can profoundly influence one’s character.
  3. Example: The MC experiences the loss of a close friend due to circumstances such as relocation, a falling out, or a change in priorities. The MC may go through a grieving process, feeling sadness, loneliness, or even resentment. The character might reflect on the impact of the lost friendship, remembering shared memories and lessons learned. This can lead to introspection and personal development as the MC learns to cope with change, appreciate the transient nature of relationships, and potentially make new connections or strengthen existing ones.  For some reason, I was able to come up with many of these types of novels almost instantly.  They must be high on my read list.

Drayton's Discoveries
Book 1 : Herman Drayton
by JL Nich

Drayton’s Discoveries by JL Nich (Newly Released 1/30/24)

This novel revolves around the newly founded planet Atax and the various pitfalls for its MC the discoverer Herman Drayton.  His growth is directly enhanced by his friendships and frenemies.  He enlists his loyal friends and finds various ways of expanding his friendship circle as they all battle to protect each other from his mortal enemies.  The relationships of love, honor, sacrifice, protection, diversity between species, and the resilience of colonizing a new planet are themed.

Here is a short sample with the results of a friendship betrayal, with a little toxic friendship between cousins:

The Icarus starship sat less than a tik from the Atax planet surface, approximately 48 lunar minutes of old Earth’s time. Emerging from a volatile mixture between the Geralta planet gas species Tirrili, and their inverse fire form brethren the Kallili, a tik mantra for imminent explosion was a perfect undertone to the rising conditions between the unwanted ship sitting in the shadow of a nearby moon and the planet inhabitants below. And, the ticking started the minute Herman Drayton set foot on Atax.

“The primary sensors for the planet are all moved to the far side, Captain.” Petie commed through to Brugg. “Whatever they are doing, they won’t be watching us. It sort of looks like they are configuring for some sort of port-?” 

“Keep eyes on them, pilot. Tell ourrr new science tech to send down the larrrgerrr sporrre bots. I want to grrrab as many samples as possible,” Brugg replied and disconnected abruptly.

“Aye, aye Captain Hook,” Petie grumbled under his breath, remembering a bedtime story his mother once read, about a boy that never grew up. “He is as crabby as a soup full of crustaceans,” Petie continued grumbling as he set an alert for any aircraft entering a 360-meter rotating radius of the Icarus. The planet sensors being moved was interesting. On most planets, the sensors were spread out to notify and monitor atmosphere traffic. The only reason they might congregate them in one area is to form some type of portal. Perhaps Drayton was able to get ISC to back them as an independent colony? Rumors were bouncing off the walls. Why did Science Officer Drayton, Lt Parker, and Security Officer Doha Spirito abdicate from the crew? What did they find on that planet? Why was Captain Brugg dead set on returning? Was Brugg breaking ISC protocol making this survey run? 

Like his momma always told him, don’t step into someone else’s mess or you might find poop on your toes. Petie transferred the recorded transmissions to his personal account to cover his ass just in case there was some sort of company shakedown.

In the captain’s quarters, Kut Brugg was riding an evil high.

The other occupant of the room, his Trabid cousin, Talron Dupit reached over with his ponderous paw and snagged a wiggling gluten ball from a bowl on the desk. Letting the still-moving grub dance over his tongue, he savored the texture. With a gulp and a smack of satisfaction, his 5 eyes regarded his cousin and the little rock sitting on the desk surface.

 “This is it, Talrrron,” Brugg shot his cousin a direct glare, all six eyes gleaming.

“I underrrstand, Kut,” Talron agreed. “But you underrrstand the likelihood of rrretrieving a single gem frrrom just samples is rrrelatively slim. We arrre going to have to dig to rrreally get any prrroduct.”

Brugg grunted. “Don’t you worrrrry about that? I have a special little team in place to collect all the gems Drrrayton stole frrrom me. He won’t even know they are missing if these guys arrre as good as they arrre being paid. He doesn’t own this planet, yet.”

“Well, accorrrding to ISC policy, habitation has exceeded the minimum six months and with his child borrrn on surrrface, he actually kind of does own the planet. Besides, he set up a payment trrransfer thrrree months ago to buy the entirrre planet and ISC cashed the drrraw. If…,” Talron held up his hands at Bruggs obvious anger. “…if we arrre discoverrred mining on Atax we could be decommissioned.” Talron shivered, causing his blubber to ripple from his neck.

“I don’t give a rrrancid Gekk brrreath about ISC and the rrrights of that human. He neverrr would have found the place if my ship had not taken him herrre. He owes me. I am surrre he has a ton of those gems, by now. I’m going to collect them frrrom him and pay him back forrr deserrrting me. I might even take out that kid of his forrr punishment. Especially, since he touched my little Alterrric beauty. Forrr that alone, he should lose everrrthing.” Brugg wasn’t about to forget that tremendous stab in the back his crew made when they left. He slammed his fist into his own palm. His body reverberated with force and his blubber undulated with his anger. 

Talron looked away from his cousin’s crazed expression and found a chart nearby to study. He mentally cursed his father for encouraging him to explore the services so lucrative for his cousin.

Monasco: Passage To Anathema
by Carole Wolf

    • Manasco: Passage to Anathema by Carole Wolf: This novel revolves around the growing military ranks of the Manasco soldiers, Tai Ogami and her bestie Seth Broussard.  Against the sand dunes and desert setting of warring lands, Tai finds, after her growth ARC, she has to eventually revisit her lost friendship and how it changes her.  The narrative delves into themes of love, trust, betrayal, loyalty, and failure, showcasing how relationships influence or reveal one’s character.
    • Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens: This novel combines’ mystery and coming-of-age elements, focusing on the life of Kya Clark, the “Marsh Girl.” It explores Kya’s isolation and the few friendships she forms, illustrating how connections with others contribute to her resilience and personal development.

As we conclude the study of character relationships, it becomes evident that the landscape of friendships is one that holds a key to unlocking the depths of individual growth. From the tentative bonds formed at the beginning of a relationship to the seismic shifts caused by betrayal or loss, the protagonist’s interactions within these connections serve as mirrors reflecting their evolving selves. Friendships, whether blossoming or withering, become the crucible through which the main character forges resilience, discovers facets of their identity, and ultimately emerges transformed. Characters like Paul Atreides, Nona Grey, Kya Clark, and Tai Ogami, evolve because of the friendships they forge and live among. We can easily see this in the three examples of friendship growth, betrayal, and loss, but what of friendship that involves forgiveness, diversity, ambition, peer pressures, sacrifice, and self-discovery?  Looking through the broad lens of these relationships, we witness the protagonists navigating the complex terrain of human connection, and in doing so, they grapple with joy, sorrow, and the myriad shades of human experience. In the end, the story is not merely a chronicle of events but a testament to the profound impact of friendships on the shaping of an individual’s narrative, leaving us with the enduring understanding that the true essence of growth often lies in the delicate dance of connections of our lives.

I hope you enjoyed this blog and really understand this is just scratching the surface.  Look for future blogs that explore Family Dynamics and Identity Formation, Mentorship relationships, or perhaps Trauma and Healing in Relationships.  All topics many SFF authors have used, and new authors should examine when building robust characters.

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JL Nich, Science Fiction Fantasy Author

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