JL NICH blog beats article, In Praise of Brevity: A Journey into Novella and Short Story Publishing. Cover image of typewriter with the sentence "to make a long story short"

In Praise of Brevity:
A Journey into Novella and Short Story Publishing

In this literary haven where brevity meets brilliance, the power of being concise takes center stage in storytelling. This blog takes a journey into the world of publishing novellas and short stories—an often-overlooked realm brimming with storytelling potential. Whether you’re a seasoned writer seeking to master the art of short tales or an aspiring wordsmith looking to navigate the intricacies of publishing in compact forms, you are in the right space. Crafting compelling narratives, exploring the unique challenges of the novella, and delving into the ever-evolving landscape of short fiction publishing, we need to navigate these winding paths of creativity. 

Examples by seasoned voices of the writing world, we can examine the magic that unfolds:

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: The Lottery is a renowned short story that delves into the dark undercurrents of human behavior and societal conformity. Reminding me of Hunger Games, it is set in a seemingly ordinary town, the narrative takes a chilling turn as the community participates in a ritualistic lottery with a shocking outcome. This story has powerful themes, an unexpected twist, and a Wowzer psychological impact. The example of how communities can engage in harmful and senseless practices simply because they have been passed down through generations and the reader seemingly witnessing a normal, everyday event in a small town until the revelation of the lottery’s true nature is revealed, all keep the short story shockingly. Authors and films who have drawn from the influence of this story are writers like Suzanne Collins, the author of The Hunger Games trilogy, The Belko Experiment, a film directed by Greg McLean, and The Purge (Film Series) by James DeMonaco.

The Lottery
by Shirley Jackson

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka: A classic novella, The Metamorphosis tells the surreal and unsettling story of Gregor Samsa, who wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a giant insect. Kafka’s exploration of alienation and the absurdity of human existence is a hallmark of existential literature. The internal struggles and alienation experienced explore the inner workings of the human psyche. The symbolism and allegory used in the story represent societal expectations, the dehumanizing effects of modernity, or the author’s feelings of inadequacy and alienation. 

Every word of the short story or novella can take on huge meanings and show the author’s skill taking them a step closer to realizing the full potential of their literary dreams. The subject matter can encompass virtually anything, but the beauty is the writer’s ability to capture moments, emotions, and ideas succinctly.


I still cry when I read Miss Brill, by stream-of-consciousness narrative writer Katherine Mansfield, in her short story about a woman’s Sunday outing to a park. The moment captured when the girl makes fun of Miss Brill’s fur collar is said with such casualness like most folks do these days, but the emotions felt later are a sledgehammer taking blows to your heart for the ultimate changes Mrs. Brill experiences. 

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman has the protagonist obsessing over the wallpaper in her room as she descends into madness. This moment captures the psychological unraveling of the character and the broader theme of the oppression of women in society.

Short stories and novellas have a restricted word count, making it challenging to fully develop characters and complex plotlines. The tightening of character development, plot structure, and creating memorable endings help craft impactful stories. These works require exact pacing, tight world-building, and special navigation of the publishing landscape. Writers must become adept at navigating submission processes, including crafting compelling cover letters, adhering to submission guidelines, and understanding response times. While the market can be more niche compared to novels, some publishers may prioritize full-length novels due to perceived commercial viability, making it more challenging for writers of shorter works to find suitable markets. Many short stories find homes in literary magazines, anthologies, or online platforms dedicated to shorter fiction. Adapting to the unique demands and understanding the publishing landscape is crucial. These published works can be an exceptional way to build a portfolio and gain recognition before attempting to publish a full-length novel.

Miss Brill and Other Stories
by Katherine Mansfield

Authors known for their short stories:

Edgar Allan Poe:

Franz Kafka 

Alice Munro 

Herman Melville

Katherine Mansfield

Ray Bradbury

Ernest Hemingway

As new authors are continually emerging, it’s always a good idea to explore recent anthologies, magazines, and award nominations to discover more voices in the contemporary short story and novella scene.

The journey of writing short stories and novellas unveils a realm of storytelling where brevity becomes an art form. As writers, we navigate the unique challenges and opportunities presented by limited word counts, crafting narratives that resonate within the confines of concise expression. From the intricacies of character development to the exploration of thematic depth, each piece becomes a microcosm of literary exploration. The quest for publication, the meticulous navigation of submission processes, and the pursuit of the perfect narrative moment all contribute to the rich tapestry of our writing journey. In this realm, we discover the power of the succinct, the prestige of literary recognition, and the potential to captivate readers in a compact space. Through the journey of short stories and novellas, writers not only refine their craft but also contribute to the vibrant landscape of diverse literary expression.

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JL Nich, Science Fiction Fantasy Author

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