JLNICH blog beats article, Critiquing Your Beloved Books: 7 Whimsical Ways to Do It Right!
JLNICH blog beats article, Critiquing Your Beloved Books: 7 Whimsical Ways to Do It Right!

Critiquing Your Beloved Books:
7 Whimsical Ways to Do It Right!

Welcome, bookworms and literary aficionados, to a delightfully paradoxical journey through the art of critiquing books you absolutely adore! You know that feeling when you finish a captivating read, and your heart is bursting with admiration, but your inner critic can’t let go of something that took you out of the story or led your thoughts astray, not as part of the plot? Well, you’re not alone.  That drives me B-A-N-A-N-A-S.  If you are currently singing Gwyn Stefani (sorry), but you have good taste.  What can you do to fix the inner Critics attitude they are giving you?  Here is the perfect guide to navigate the ins and outs of a solid Book Critique to provide the author. 

In this exploration, we’ll unveil ingenious ways to dissect, discuss, and delve into the world of your beloved books, all while maintaining your love for the written word. So, grab your favorite reading nook, and a cup of tea, and let’s embark on this literary ride where love and critique share a cozy shelf! 


Throw confetti
on the book's strengths!

JLNICH blog beats article, Critiquing Your Beloved Books: 7 Whimsical Ways to Do It Right! throw confetti on it

Top 7 Ways to Critique a Book You Love:

  1. Throw confetti on the book’s strengths! Picture this: you’re at a fabulous masquerade ball, and the book you adore is the guest of honor. Its characters are dazzling dancers, the plot is captivating music, and the writing style is the glittering chandelier casting a warm glow on the scene. Acknowledge these shining stars that made your heart skip a beat. Celebrate the characters who felt like old friends, the plot twists that left you breathless, the pacing that swept you off your feet, and the writing style that danced across the pages. Give them a standing ovation, throw metaphorical roses at their feet, and let the world know just how much you swooned over these enchanting elements. Be specific: Instead of making broad statements about the book, provide specific examples to support your critique. This will give your critique more credibility and help the author understand your perspective.
  2. Let’s sprinkle a little literary stardust, shall we? Comparing a beloved book to other works is like playing a whimsical game of “Literary Matchmaker.” Think of your cherished book as the protagonist at a fantastic tea party, mingling with other iconic characters from the literary world. Who would it have a spirited chat with? Who would it exchange knowing glances with across the room? Drawing comparisons not only adds context but also paints a vivid picture of where your beloved book stands in the grand literary ballroom. It’s like saying, “Hey, your book is the charming Mr. Darcy of the romance novel world or the bold Hermione Granger of the fantasy realm!” These delightful comparisons not only provide insight but make your critique as entertaining as a lively debate among bookish characters themselves. Be objective: While it’s important to acknowledge your emotional response to the book, try to be as objective as possible in your critique. This means separating your personal feelings from the actual quality of the writing.
  3. Now, let’s play detective and don our literary magnifying glasses! After showering the book with affection, it’s time to gently unravel its quirks and foibles. Imagine you’re inspecting a treasure map, and you’ve just stumbled upon a few wonky X’s. These are the book’s weaknesses, its secret passageways that may lead to hidden treasure or a mischievous pirate or two. Whether it’s plot holes that could swallow a ship, pacing issues that make you feel like you’re stuck in quicksand, or characters as elusive as ghosts, identifying these quirks is like discovering the hidden chambers in a grand old mansion. It’s not about criticizing but about unlocking the book’s full potential, making it shine even brighter. So, let’s put on our Sherlock Holmes hats and embark on this whimsical adventure of literary investigation! Provide suggestions for improvement: Don’t just identify the weaknesses; provide suggestions for how the author could improve upon them. This can help the author understand how to make their next book even better.
  4. Now, let’s embark on a whimsical journey into the author’s mind, shall we? Think of it as a mystical quest to decode the secret scrolls of intent! Imagine the author as a master wizard, weaving spells with words and concocting a literary potion that’s part adventure, part love story, and part cosmic conspiracy. Your task? To uncover their grand design, to decipher the whimsical tapestry of their imagination. Delve into the book’s enchanted forest of themes and characters, searching for the elusive unicorns of intention. When you unearth these sparkling gems, you’ll not only celebrate the author’s magical triumphs but also spot the occasional troll under the bridge of their narrative. It’s like peeking behind the curtain of a dazzling stage show to glimpse the wizardry at work. So, put on your wizard hat, grab your spell book, and let’s conjure up some authorial insight!
  5. Time to don our diplomacy cap, dear critique connoisseurs! When critiquing, imagine you’re at a charming tea party where you’re discussing the book and not hosting a roast of the author. It’s like sipping Earl Grey with the characters and discussing their quirks without summoning the author for a duel. Keep your critique focused on the pages, not the person behind the pen. After all, we’re here to dissect the book’s nuances, not to become armchair psychoanalysts. So, let’s keep our quirk-o-meters in check, and remember, it’s all about the plot, not personal shots!
  6. Ahoy, fellow literary explorers! Picture this: You’re like a treasure hunter navigating uncharted waters, and the target audience is your trusty map, guiding you through the literary landscape. Think of it as a magical sorting hat, helping you decipher the book’s enchanting secrets. What tickled the funny bone of one audience might have left another group scratching their heads like perplexed wizards. So, grab your audience compass, set sail on the seas of understanding, and remember, what a splendid treasure for one may be a perplexing riddle for another. It’s all about finding the right chest of literary gold for the right set of readers!
  7. As we wrap up our whimsical critique adventure, remember that every book, like a mischievous Cheshire cat, has its grin and its quirks. So, after we’ve tangoed with strengths and chuckled at quirks, let’s end our dance on a positively enchanting note! Think of it as a closing act, where you toss a bouquet of words that sparkle with admiration and appreciation. Celebrate the book’s quirks and charms one last time and tip your hat to the author’s daring spirit. After all, they embarked on a literary journey, and we were lucky to hitch a ride. So, let’s give them a round of applause, a standing ovation, or perhaps a virtual high-five for sharing their world with us. It’s the grand finale of our quirky critique, where the applause is as magical as a wand’s swish and flick!
JLNICH blog beats article, Critiquing Your Beloved Books: 7 Whimsical Ways to Do It Right! Literary explorer

Literary Explorer

Now you’ve had your wonderful say about the book that made you tear up and angry and so happy you couldn’t wait to tell folks.  Perhaps with your golden take the author may respond to let you know they’ve heard you and you made so much sense.  Or there could be stone-cold silence while most authors avoid critiques like the plague.  However, other readers like me…. are all over your review.  Some of us want to know the good, the bad, and the ugly.  And most of us want to know the better, the best, and the outstanding.  If nobody thanked you, here is a heartfelt thank you for taking the time to really critique the work.  You are simply the best.  Tina Turner singing now.  

Feel free to read and critique my Kindle Vella serial book Sparrows Legacy, where I tell the adventure of Tara and Teng, siblings fleeing from hunters seeking to kill them to allow their usurper Uncle Endric to claim the Kingship of Flarentine. Using every trick their parents taught them this story contains survival, battles, and magic, all rolled into an adult novel. You can read the first three chapters free on Amazon by searching for “Sparrows Legacy Kindle Vella” or clicking here

About JLNichAuthor: humble scribe of science and fantasy fractal compositions.

I’m here to blog my truths of a bubbling brew of promise and toil, creating knowledge beneath the cover of the writer’s platform.  Through the use of software tools such as PLOTTR, SRIVENER, and PROWRITING AID, I show the know-how.  Many examples will creep into my blog.  An occasional enchantment will befall you as you begin to understand the fizz and pop of ideas.  Follow me on social media, or my new and growing YouTube channel, and buy the subscription to use PLOTTR.  I’ve done my homework and it’s a solid application.  I highly recommend it and may get a small commission if you use my link to buy it. Consider it your epic writing quest for the next 30 days of the trial.  Epic quests are 60% stubbornness, 30% courage, 8% having a handy wand in your back pocket, and 2% passing the secret formula for the win: win.  “Get PLOTTR” <she whispered>. 

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Please read and review my serial publishing novel Sparrow’s Legacy on Kindle Vella. You can read the first three chapters free on Amazon by searching for “Sparrows Legacy Kindle Vella” or clicking here. I hope you enjoyed this blog. Please subscribe to my website if you want to be notified when I’ll be publishing or to get free samples of my work.
JLNich, Science Fiction Fantasy Author

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