JL Nich

7 Tips How to Create a New Species for SFF Authors

As an author or storyteller, have you ever wondered where the Star Wars franchise, overly hairy, Chewbacca came from? Or who designed the magnificent Kraken creation from Clash of the Titans? What did you think about the amazing worms from Frank Herbert’s Dune? Did you find the lovely Borrowers made famous by author Mary Norton to be utterly fantastical?

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How to Write from Zero to Hero.

How can a writer go from Zero to Hero? What does that look like in a novel?
Have you ever said out loud ‘this is the best freak’n book’? That writer is a hero. But what did this novel give other books didn’t? How did the writer tap into your emotions (think The Hunger Games with Rue (author Suzanne Collins), or the last time Black Beauty sees his girlfriend Ginger (author Anna Sewell), or when Luke Skywalker shoots the photons into the Death Star, Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker (author George Lucas)? Perhaps the author built the climax to such a high pinnacle you felt each step as you read further (maybe not quite as literally as the Lord of the Rings with Frodo at the Mountain of Doom, but something like that) (author J. R. R. Tolkien)?

How to Write from Zero to Hero. Read More »

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Futuristic Jobs as SFF Authors See It

Futuristic Jobs as SFF Authors See It by JL Nich This article examines three areas of Science Fiction and Fantasy jobs authors write as possibilities in our futuristic world(s). Jobs, Big Business, and Food are examined. Will everyone own their own spaceship or work on a flight crew? Will the big business have conglomerates like

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Space Operas, the Fanatical Speculative Fiction Subgenre

You’ve heard soap operas, maybe horse operas for westerns, lets discuss SFF space opera books, the ultimate subgenre of Science Fiction. Why is this such a galactic subgenre? It’s got it all. Technology, space travel, aliens, the future, politics, greed based, and extraordinary militant based battle, and so much more.

Space Operas, the Fanatical Speculative Fiction Subgenre Read More »

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