JL Nich

JL NICH blog beats article, Broken Bonds (Part 2): Betrayal by Character in Science Fiction Fantasy. Blog cover image.

Broken Bonds (Part 2): Betrayal by Character in Science Fiction Fantasy

Broken Bonds (Part 2): Betrayal by Character in Science Fiction Fantasy In the immersive science fiction and fantasy literature cornucopia, betrayal emerges as a timeless and multifaceted narrative element, shaping characters and driving plots with unparalleled depth. From unexpected alliances shattered to personal loyalties tested, acts of betrayal in SFF works captivate readers by challenging […]

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JL NICH blog beats article, Broken Bonds (Part 1): Betrayal in Science Fiction Fantasy. Blog cover image

Broken Bonds (Part 1): Betrayal in Science Fiction Fantasy

JL NICH Author Blog Beats Broken Bonds (Part 1): Betrayal in Science Fiction Fantasy In the sprawling realms of science fiction and fantasy, betrayal often serves as a pivotal plot device, unraveling alliances and redefining characters’ journeys. From the treacherous backstabbing among noble houses in Game of Thrones to the unexpected betrayals by artificial intelligence

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JL NICH blog beats article, Wild Magic: Understanding the Enigmatic Powers of Nature in Fantasy. Blog Cover Image

Wild Magic: Understanding the Enigmatic Powers of Nature in Fantasy

Wild Magic: Understanding the Enigmatic Powers of Nature in Fantasy In this blog, we discuss the Natural Magic System, which is closely intertwined with the natural world and its elements.  This system often emphasizes harmony with nature and the environment, and magical abilities or powers are typically derived from natural sources such as plants, animals,

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JL NICH blog beats article, The Necromancer's Tome: A Study of Necromancy Magic Systems. Blog Cover Image

The Necromancer’s Tome: A Study of Necromancy Magic Systems

The Necromancer’s Tome: A Study of Necromancy Magic Systems In this blog, we discuss the magical practice of Necromancy which is centered around the manipulation of death, the dead, and the energies associated with both. In fictional works, necromancy magic systems can vary widely, but they typically include several common elements and themes. This magic

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JL NICH blog beats article, The Mind's Eye: Exploring the World of Mind Magic Systems. Cover image for blog.

The Mind’s Eye: Exploring the World of Mind Magic Systems

The Mind’s Eye: Exploring the World of Mind Magic Systems Mind magic systems are diverse. This magic system directly affects the mind, emotions, thoughts, or perceptions of others. They are the Mistborn, within Brandon Sanderson’s work, using magic to Soothe and Riot emotions, manipulate thoughts, and even alter memories. They are the Compulsion or Healing

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JL NICH blog beats article, The Elemental Nexus: Delving Deep into Elemental Magic Systems blog cover image

The Elemental Nexus: Delving Deep into Elemental Magic Systems

The Elemental Nexus: Delving Deep into Elemental Magic Systems Welcome to my detailed discussion of writing fantasy using an Elemental Magic System, where the very forces of nature bend to those who wield their power.   Initially, I found magic systems usually fall under three grand levels: Rule Based (Hard Magic) – a magic system that

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JL NICH blog beats article, Divine Interventions: Exploring the Wonders of Divine Magic Systems. Cover image for blog

Divine Interventions: Exploring the Wonders of Divine Magic Systems

Divine Interventions: Exploring the Wonders of Divine Magic Systems Initially, I found magic systems usually fall under just three grand levels: Rule-based – a magic system that follows specific rules, laws, or principles that govern its use and behavior. Think of novels like The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.  Soft Magic – a

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JL NICH blog beats article, Scarlet Secrets: Unlocking the Potential of Blood Magic Systems, cover art

Scarlet Secrets: Unlocking the Potential of Blood Magic Systems

Scarlet Secrets: Unlocking the Potential of Blood Magic Systems In this blog, we discuss the mystical blood magic system utilizing the essence of life contained in blood for spells and rituals.  Depending on how it is displayed in the novel, it can fall under either rule-based or soft magic. Additionally, blood magic systems can also

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JL NICH blog beats article, The Alchemical Art: Exploring Alchemy in Fantasy Worlds. alchemy cover art

The Alchemical Art: Exploring Alchemy in Fantasy Worlds

The Alchemical Art: Exploring Alchemy in Fantasy Worlds In fantasy literature, the element of magic consistently captivates readers’ imaginations. But with the inset of magic comes the author’s responsibility of setting up the system from which the magic falls under. Magic systems refer to the rules, restrictions, and abilities that define magic—its theories, rules, and

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JL NICH blog beats article, Beyond the Veil: An In-Depth Look at Arcane Magic in Fiction. Blog Cover image

Beyond the Veil: An In-Depth Look at Arcane Magic in Fiction

Beyond the Veil: An In-Depth Look at Arcane Magic in Fiction In fantasy literature, one element consistently captivates readers’ imaginations: magic. From the subtle manipulation of elements to the wielding of powerful spells, magic systems shape the fantastical worlds an author creates. Magic systems refer to the rules, restrictions, and abilities that define magic—its theories,

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