JL NICH blog beats article, The Mind's Eye: Exploring the World of Mind Magic Systems. Cover image for blog.
JL NICH blog beats article, The Mind's Eye: Exploring the World of Mind Magic Systems. Cover image for blog.

The Mind's Eye:
Exploring the World of Mind Magic Systems

Mind magic systems are diverse. This magic system directly affects the mind, emotions, thoughts, or perceptions of others. They are the Mistborn, within Brandon Sanderson’s work, using magic to Soothe and Riot emotions, manipulate thoughts, and even alter memories. They are the Compulsion or Healing spells used in The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. This magic is telepathy, mind control, psychic manipulation, and mental projection, as wielded by both allies and adversaries in The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher.

Initially, I found magic systems usually fall under just three grand levels:

Rule Based (Hard Magic) – a magic system that follows specific rules, laws, or principles that govern its use and behavior. Think of novels like The Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks or The Powder Mage trilogy by Brian McClellan. 

Soft Magic – a magic system that lacks clearly defined rules or limitations governing the use of magic. Think of novels Uprooted by Naomi Novik.

Symbolic – a magic system based on symbolic gestures, objects, or rituals that represent larger concepts or ideas. The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker or American Gods by Neil Gaiman.

Read more about the different types of magic systems here.

But based on how it’s depicted in a particular story, Mind Magic Systems can be explored by authors through all three levels.  It could be portrayed as a hard magic system if there are specific rules governing its use, such as the need for concentration, limitations on the types of abilities it can grant, or consequences for its misuse. In The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, the titled character lives in a world where mages use a form of mind manipulation known as “Glamour” through the use of special symbols and rituals, governed by specific rules and limitations.

Mind magic might be considered a soft magic system if it’s portrayed in a more mystical or unpredictable manner, with less emphasis on clear rules or explanations for its workings. For example, in The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, characters Cecilia and Marco possess subtle magic involving the manipulation of reality, dreams, and perceptions, creating an ethereal atmosphere where the boundaries between illusion and reality blur.

Mind magic could be depicted as a symbolic magic system if it’s used to explore psychological themes, such as the power of belief, the nature of consciousness, or the influence of emotions on reality. Within the novel The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe the symbology of using gestures and rituals allows characters to manipulate thoughts and perceptions through psychic powers.

Storm Front
by Jim Butcher

In my serial novel Sparrow’s Legacy, one of the mages uses his mind magic to read enemy thoughts to control his victims.  Here is a sample:

General Lium bowed.  “I am formally here to share there is conclusive proof of the Sparrows’ demise.”

Endric leaned forward, his eyes alight with pure gratification.  “Finally, after all these Ans.  The seat of rule is no longer out of reach.”

General Lium gave him a bitter smile.

“What?  What is wrong.”  Endric spat.

“She had children, Pashier.  Two, to be exact.  Taren Michale and Teng Mist.”

Endric stared at his general without expression.

“While Taren is not a ruling threat due to her pre-marital conception, her brother is a concern.  He is not tainted from the Sparrow’s unfortunate birthing issues.”

“He is still of that half-rate coward sword hand.”  Endric rubbed his scar unconsciously.  

“Yet, after her official marriage and accepting of his common name, the Swordon family is considered elevated within nobility.  And pardon, Pashier, his mark against you did not exactly cause him shame when he protected the Sparrow from harm.

“I tell you this, Lium.  I do not tolerate any citizen who speaks of this Swordon with grace.  He is an outlaw and that decree is still in place.  Perhaps this is something that can carry over to his children?  A new statute or order, passed down to ensure the peoples’ safety?  I mean, if his father was guilty, does not the son endure the reckoning.”

General Lium paused to reflect.  “I do not think this would sway the people for your rule.  The child is still that, a child.  His father passed over two Ans ago now.  We have little of the information to enact this type of decision with ensured success.  Perhaps he may give you the rule and succeed?  His childhood was not truly conducive to Flarentine rule.”

Endric clenched his fist, the surface steaming with heat.  The throne showed small scorch marks on its arms.  “Does he have any magic?  He must.  Does the girl Taren?  Where are they?”

General Lium shook his head.  “They were not captured during the attack.  Only Sparrow was found and eliminated.  The children were either forewarned or hidden.  Sparrow went down defending the villagers.”

Endric pounded his fist onto his thigh.  “I would have loved to be there.  She was always too caring of those she associated with her rule.  And yet these peasants were not even Flarentine citizens.  A reckless waste of energy and magic for nothing.  It seems the years in isolation did not teach her anything.

“Well, the cristi was disabled soon after it signaled.  So, I believe a follower of Sparrow’s Flarentine people jumped in and found it.  Knowing Sparrow’s clan, it was a Mir-e-se,” General Lium said with a grave expression.

Endric stood and poured another glass of wine, handing it across to his officer.  “I’ve sent an army to dispatch her, three of my lower First Lords are over the waters.  Now that my sister is gone, we shall clean up the remaining riffraff and sponge up the juices.”

Lium stiffened, his body growing still.  He felt his magic reveal itself as he divined a moment of truth.  “The prophecy grows as the Protector hides no more.”  His voice was loud and clear.  The guards standing at the back of the hall gave each other a look.

Endric’s eyes grew flint hard.  He lifted his hand and grabbed at the air, the two stewards cleaning the column char were jerked upright as a weaving white string was pulled from them to streak toward his hand.  They never knew what killed them.  The draining complete, their bodies collapsed. He threw the flame at the nearby port table, the noise twice as loud as before.  Food, drink, and table exploded.   

Lium’s eyes widened as he saw his Pashier turn to pull a string of magic power from his own chest.  He yanked on it jerking Lium to his side.   

“I don’t want to hear about this false Protector, General.  A rumor of an imaginary foe is not my concern.” Endric met his gaze with a hard smile.  “It is yours.”    

Endric pulled harder and Lium cried out in pain.  His body surged, his chest expanded, his eyes glowed.  He was being stripped of magic with the touch.  “Yes, Pashier.”  He managed to agree.

General Lium collapsed to his knees when Endric released him.  His magic snapped back into him viciously.  He coughed blood, and his entire being trembled.

The Golem and the Jinni
by Helene Wecker

In conclusion, mind magic systems in fantasy novels offer a captivating exploration of the human psyche, weaving intricate spells and enchantments that delve into the depths of consciousness and perception. However portrayed, mind magic adds depth and complexity to the narrative, inviting readers into worlds where thoughts are tangible, and emotions wield power. Through the manipulation of minds, characters navigate challenges, confront inner demons, and unravel the mysteries of existence, offering readers a journey of wonder, intrigue, and self-discovery. Mind magic is a powerful tool for authors who perceive emotional control over their characters.

Please read and review my serial publishing novel, Sparrow’s Legacy, on Kindle Vella. You can read the first three chapters free on Amazon by searching for “Sparrows Legacy Kindle Vella” or clicking here. Or you can find my debut SFF novel, the space opera Drayton’s Discoveries. For the love of all fantasy and SFF, please leave a review. Feedback is my sole sustenance for writing. Don’t let me starve. If you liked this blog, please be sure to sign up for future blogs jlnichauthor.com.

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JL Nich, Science Fiction Fantasy Author

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