JLNICH blog beats article, Editing Your Parallel Universe: Tips for SFF Authors. Cover Image
JLNICH blog beats article, Editing Your Parallel Universe: Tips for SFF Authors. Cover Image

Editing Your Parallel Universe:
Tips for SFF Authors

Let me greet you as you enter this realm of words and wonder.  <Waving an intergalactic tentacle>.  This blog is a safe haven for Dukes, Knights, Serfs, and galactic creatures, any race of the undiscovered star-scape.  Read on to examine the brewing mixture of information, explanation, exploration, and examples of editing, offered as a quick guide of quirkiness. 

Look at the peculiar specimens popping up as editing entities:

  1. Mr. Conceptual Editing: This guy gives your novel a cosmic makeover, reshaping galaxies of plot and character to create a universe readers can’t escape.
  2. Ms. Line Editing: She is a literary surgeon, it’s all about trimming the unnecessary fat from your sentences, leaving only the lean, mean, storytelling machine.
  3. Robo Copy Editing: They are the grammar gnome who meticulously hunt down stray typos and rogue commas, ensuring your prose is a fortress of correctness.
  4. Sir Knight of Proofreading: Alas his final treasure is to hunt in your manuscript, where he searches for the elusive typo monsters that lurk in the shadows of your paragraphs.
  5. Lady Beta Reading: She takes your novel on a cross-country road trip with a bunch of strangers and mails you postcards filled with comments and suggestions.
  6. Wizard of Professional Editing: The Blue Wizard gives you VIP treatment with his literary guru-ness wielding his red pen like his wand, turning your words into pure magic.

To the realm of words and wonder

JLNICH blog beats article, Editing Your Parallel Universe: Tips for SFF Authors. Intergalactic alien waving

Self-editing with ProWriting Aid can reduce a substantial amount of purple space poo in your work.  Take these steps to take to leap around the galaxy of your novel and clean up:

  • Time-Traveler’s Spellcheck: Take advantage of ProWritingAid’s robust grammar and spelling checker to ensure your novel’s historical accuracy and chronology are spot on.
  • Alien Linguistics Check: Utilize ProWritingAid’s style and consistency checks to meticulously review invented languages, ensuring they remain coherent and error-free.
  • Character Costume Party: Dive into ProWritingAid’s suggestions to refine character descriptions, making sure they align perfectly with your characters’ personalities and the story’s world.
  • Creature Feature: ProWritingAid’s in-depth reports can help you analyze and refine the descriptions of your fantastical creatures, ensuring they come to life on the page.
  • Parallel Universe Plot Test: Employ ProWritingAid’s readability and consistency checks to verify that your plot threads are interwoven seamlessly, with no inconsistencies or unresolved elements.
  • Emotion Elevation: Harness ProWritingAid’s reports to delve deep into your characters’ emotions, ensuring they resonate powerfully with readers.
  • Metaphor Makeover: ProWritingAid’s style analysis can assist you in identifying and replacing clichés and tired metaphors with fresh and inventive language.
  • Steampunk Syntax Surgery: Use ProWritingAid’s sentence structure suggestions to fine-tune your prose, ensuring it flows smoothly and engages readers effortlessly.
  • Futuristic Formatting Finesse: Experiment with formatting using ProWritingAid’s formatting checks to give your novel a modern, eye-catching appearance that aligns with its theme.
  • Intergalactic Grammar Police:  Assemble your squad of grammar officers, i.e., ProWritingAid’s grammar and style checks, to comb through your manuscript and eliminate grammar and punctuation errors with precision.

Birthday Sale

NOTE: There is a sale on PROWritingAid.com  from August 21st to September 1st, you can get an annual subscription to ProWritingAid Premium with 25% off.  Using my gorgeous link (it’s so attractive) will give me a small commission for rounding you up as a writing tool space buyer/tryer/acquirer.

To wrap up this blog I’d like to offer you my simple self-portrait as a misfit scribe of SFF wonders.  The possibilities of JLNichauthor.com creativity have expanded into a magnificent space opera world vision (at least in my mind).  I am painting colorful words of magical realms for readers and writers daily.  Using my writing potion (spoiler: coffee and Handy dictation device), I drop the ingredients into a cauldron and stir the essence of my story onto the page.  You can join my quest via my social media links as I hack and slash my blog’s pen-sword (that I found in a pond), out into the air.

Please read and review my serial publishing novel Sparrow’s Legacy on Kindle Vella. You can read the first three chapters free on Amazon by searching for “Sparrows Legacy Kindle Vella” or clicking here. I hope you enjoyed this blog. Please subscribe to my website if you want to be notified when I’ll be publishing or to get free samples of my work.
JLNich, Science Fiction Fantasy Author

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